Biplantol Vital NT 1 liter
Strengthening product for plants on a homeopathic basis produced and developped in Germany.
We gained very positive experiences with this product. It should be used regularly for health and
vitality of your orchids throughout the year.
Ingredients: homeopathic dynamized complex includes potentized substances (D6 – D100) such as
mineralized potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, sulphuric; trace elements such as
manganeze, molybdenum, cobalt, copper, silicon, organic germanium as well as uronic acid.
2 milliliters for one liter of water
20 milliliters for one liter of spray
water or spray every two to four weeks
One liter is enough for 500 liters of water. Entered in the list for strengthening products for plants
from the Federal Office of Consumers and Food Safety.